There is a need for access to a wide variety of information, clarification and documentation to
conduct trade.
The WTO defines an Enquiry Point as an official or office in a member government designated
to deal with enquiries from other WTO members and the public on trade facilitation issues.
From Article 1 (Publication and availability of information) of the WTO Agreement on Trade
Facilitation (TFA) it is stated that each Member shall, within its available resources, establish or
maintain one or more enquiry points to answer reasonable enquiries of governments, traders, and
other interested parties.
The NBR’s internet based National Enquiry Point will provide always-available, public access to
the vital information required for conducting trade. In addition to an already rich source of
information, it will also provide a means to submit a direct enquiry to customs which will be
responded to personally by a customs officer. Each enquiry will further enrich both the quality
and plenitude of the NEP.
Mandatory forms and documents for importation, exportation and transit will also be provided by
this NEP.