Drawback is the refund of duties and taxes paid on inputs/raw materials used for the manufacture of exported goods and services. The term “Drawback” is used exclusively for refund of duties and taxes against export. Under the provisions of sub-section (1) of section 13 of The Value Added Tax Act, 1991 read with section 37 of The Customs Act, 1969 all duties and taxes paid on inputs/raw materials used for the manufacture of exported goods or services shall be refunded except income tax paid in advance and supplementary duty paid on the inputs/raw materials declared by the Government in official gazette as non-refundable.
Except a few items, all exports from Bangladesh are zero rated, meaning goods and services of export are not only exempted from duties and taxes, but also that duties and taxes paid on the inputs/raw materials used for the manufacture of exported goods or services are refundable to the exporter. Under the provision of sub-section (2) of section 13 of The Value Added Tax Act, 1991, an exporter of goods or services-cum-supplier of goods or renderer of services is allowed to adjust duties and taxes refundable to him as drawback against duties and taxes payable by him for supply of goods or services rendered. Exporters are allowed drawback on two different methods: (a) drawback on actual case-to-case basis, and (b) drawback on flat rate.
Drawback on flat rate is applicable to cases on which orders are issued by Director General, Duty Exemption and Drawback Office (DEDO) and published in the official gazette. Orders for drawback on flat rate are issued for ease of refund of duties and taxes depending on the nature of the goods of exports, nature of inputs used in the manufacture of exported goods, value of the inputs and the rate of duties and taxes applicable to the inputs. In accordance with the provision of sub-section (1) of section 13 of The Value Added Tax Act, 1991 read with sub-rule (1) of rule 30 of The Value Added Tax Rules, 1991 and sub-section (c) of section 39 of The Customs Act, 1969, any claim for drawback is to be submitted at the time export is established or within 6 months from the date of export. Claims for drawback of duties and taxes against export made to DEDO and all other claims for refund of duties and taxes are to be made to the respective Custom House or Customs, Excise and VAT Commissionerate.
DEDO has two main functions - (a) payment of drawback of duties and taxes; and (b) issuance of input-output coefficient.
Some tips/points related to payment of drawback against export:-
An exporter is required to apply for drawback of duties and taxes to the Director General, DEDO. He is required to apply in a prescribed Form, Mushak-22 under the provision of Sub-Rule (1) of Rule 30 of The Value Added Tax Rules, 1991. To download the form, click here.
Under drawback, following duties and taxes refundable to the exporter:
Customs Duty |
Supplementary Duty |
Value Added Tax |
Advance Trade VAT(ATV) |
Turnover Tax |
Excise Duty |
Regulatory Duty |
N: B: All duties and taxes imposed under The Customs Act, 1969; The Value Added Tax Act, 1991 and The Excises and Salt Act, 1944 on the raw materials used for the manufacture of exported goods and services are refundable as Drawback.
Drawback is generally paid by or taken from DEDO on the following export activities-
The present Drawback system is significantly governed by the provisions of the General Order No-01/DEDO/2009, dated 20th May, 2009 issued by Director General, DEDO especially with regard to submission of required documents for drawback.