Benefits of Accredited AEO Links
The following will be the benefits of accredited AEO-
- Examination of goods at the premises of the accredited AEO instead of the Ports or Land Customs Stations;
- Opportunity for direct clearance or loading of goods onto the ship;
- Assistance from the special team formed by the officials of Customs;
- Opportunity for submission of Bill of Entry or Bill of Export and completion of necessary formalities before the arrival of the goods at the port;
- Completion of assessment by submission of the relevant documents;
- Opportunity for e-mail or other means of electronic communication with the Customs authority;
- Issuance of special ID to the employees of the AEO for easy access to any Custom House;
- Payment of Duty Drawback within the shortest possible time;
- Faster settlement of litigation lying at ADR or any other places; and
- Publication of names and addresses of the AEOs in Customs website.